Well, my favorite places at home are my room and the bathroom so yeah that's how much I value my privacy. I love killing time and I don't like to be bothered much when I'm drifting in my own thought bubble. Sorry for sounding standoffish but that's how I roll.
Funny that when I see my room in order I get a bit irked even though I shouldn't be because who doesn't like cleanliness and orderliness? Well, I'd rather see my stuff in disarray at least I know where to find them.
Moreover, I don't like to be snooped at what I'm reading or checking out something. Whatever that is lol. And hands off to my belongings unless you asked permission.
I'm a 23 year old young adult yeah so privacy is that important to me. Just had to throw this one in because I'm being pushed in that direction concerning my career and it's threatening an important part of my life.
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